Lately My Muse…


I couldn’t get my muse to work.

I fed it with a feast.

It went to sleep.

I roused it with a bark.

It went out for a walk.


I insulted it with TV.

I tempted it with ice-cream.

I starved it for a while.

And even locked it in the loo.


Whatever I did,

I couldn’t get my muse to work.


I thought of blanks.

Just plain white blanks.

I never once tried,

To rouse the muse.


And then it happened.

It really happened.

My muse got up quickly

And painted my white.


A touch of green and

A touch of blue

A touch that was

The perfect hue.


Aha! I said, now I know.

The muse is just a child.

The perfect way is

Not to scare it away.