#Write30 – The Shape of You

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How can shapes create a motif in a scene? What shapes do you see in nature vs man-made structures / environment? How can this feed into a scene?
Think about shapes that are calming vs not.
Think about language cliches and shapes – like square peg in a round hole or she has sharp corners.
Like shape poems, consider if shapes can define the structure of your story or scene.


Here is the exercise. Write one (or more) of the following:

  • Write a scene where one character uses a shape as a metaphor for an emotional conversation.
  • Write a scene where the shape of something physical triggers an emotion – be it calming or causing stress.
  • Write a scene where the shape of characters creates an emotional encounter – thin vs curvy, tall vs short, huggable vs not, how they can hide in crowds or blend into the background.
  • Write a scene where an object of a specific shape is an important motif or a plot point.