This week’s Picture Book – The Growing Story

Published in 2007, The Growing Story has a timeless quality to it. It tells the story of every boy who wants to grow up. Fast.
The story in simple words doesn’t even name the character. He is just a boy. The boy who reads the book with his parents at night. Or the boy who runs around the school yard or the boy who wishes to grow taller every night, at least a little bit.
The seasons change imperceptibly and the story moves without the boy noticing. Has he grown? Of course he has. How does he find out?
How else does every boy find out he has grown a bit more – his clothes have become shorter. Or perhaps, maybe perhaps, he has grown a bit taller.
The words and the pictures are absolutely great and it was a book that perhaps reads so effortlessly, that I know as a writer, must have taken mountains of work. 
For every boy who is in a hurry to grow up.  

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