Welcome to 2013

My 2013 is pregnant with hope. Is it going to turn into a dangerous slope? Or will I be able to cope?  I have some open avenues, some chances that I came by last year. I’m hoping I’ll be able to find an agent who believes in me and I will have the courage to write the books I want to write.

Is Jan 1st a milestone? Is it just another day we pass by? Why do we place so much importance on this day forward? Do we believe this day marks a new beginning?

In the blend of my Indian and British culture, I find more such milestones – the Tamil New Year’s Day (Mid-April) or is it the Harvest Day (Jan 16th) that beckons the new and chases out the old? Which day is significant?

And I have come to realise that new beginnings begin with you. In your own heart. The date is just a scribble on a paper. It is a convenient day to remember things. But you can begin anywhere, any time. As long as you believe, you want to change things, try harder, do something new or eat less – whatever the chosen goal, the moment you make the decision is more important.

If that moment happens to fall on a day when many such people are filled with hope and they join in and make some resolutions with you, more power to the positive support.