#write30 – Macguffin

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This prompt is adapted from Peter Bunzl’s creative writing prompt.

A Macguffin is a valuable object that drives the story. The hero and villain take action to try and possess it.
A Macguffin can be a magic object if your story is fantastical. It has emotional value for the hero and an importance in the villain’s plan. Its true value is often hidden at the start of the adventure. Sometimes it’s mentioned in the story title.

Write this…

  • Pick an object that attracts you and inspires a lot of ideas.
  • Examine your Macguffin and decide what function it has in your story.
  • What emotional value does it have for your hero?
  • What is its importance in your villain’s plan?
  • Write a scene where your hero discovers the object and gets a hint of its importance. Maybe the Macguffin is hidden in a dangerous place. Perhaps the hero has to collect clues to find it.
  • Remember to mention how the character feels and what they know or guess about the object.